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Design Christ Centered content that encourages couples to see Christ in their marriage. 




Our Story


A few years into our marriage we found ourselves on an unfamiliar path that seemed less blissful and romantic compared to the vision we had imagined years earlier.  We were cordial, performed our day to day functions as a family. We went on vacations, attended church but underneath the picture-perfect family was an ugly sore festering breaching the boundaries of our commitment to love each other ‘til death do us part’.  Lacking the knowhow to put a halt to the persistent pain, the thought of seeking marital counseling emerged.

Prior to our marriage, like many couples, pre-marital counseling was not on our radar. We were in love with each other for 14 years before we married.  Certainly, fourteen years was enough preparation to sustain a great marriage. We soon found out that it was not.
We began a search on the Internet for resources, books, blogs, articles anything that would help us get on the right path. A path of hope, passion, and reconciliation. We stumbled across an organization called ‘Dynamic Marriage’. They offered a weekend marriage intensive focused workshop for couples.  Without thinking twice, we signed up.  The workshop was held at Christ Church located in Manhattan, New York.  Seventy-five couples from all walks of life were in attendance. The workshop was led by a Pastor and other ministers. The training was engaging from beginning to end. Hearing other couples share their plight and witnessing their transformation gave us all the more energy and willingness to implement the tools, techniques graciously shared.

Sometime during the midst of the workshop, we uncovered that the workshop was really a ‘facilitators workshop’.  These couples were training to become Dynamic Marriage facilitators. They were being trained to go back to their local church and deliver the workshop to their congregants.


We figured out that we had not read the fine print when we signed up for the course.  We had no intention of becoming facilitators. We continued to participate in our student-like posture and took in all in. The benefits of the workshop were informative, intensive, and transformative. Every day we left the classroom loving each other more.

At the end of the workshop, there was a group vote to celebrate the couple most likely to become a long term Dynamic Marriage facilitator.  We voted for a lovely couple who seemed perfect for the task.  When they announced the winner, we were more than ecstatic. The group selected us. It was an unbelievable moment.  Here we came to get help to heal our marriage and, in that pursuit, as God would so have it assigned us to help heal other marriages.


Thus, it was the beginning of our journey to ‘building strong marriages one marriage at a time’. Turning our focus from our own pain to helping others strengthen their marriage.

Since 2005, bringing couples closer together in a loving relationship has been our goal. Let us help you grow a loving relationship with the one you love.


We are a marriage on mission for Christ. 



God's design for marriage, known, loved and lived throughout the world
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